Winter/Spring 2005

Christian graduated to his big boy room after we got it ready.  He picked his own border.  We was really excited to sleep in their the first night.  His first few weeks he slept on a mattress because the bed frame was on back order.  This worked out well for him to find the edges, thus far he has not fallen out of bed. 

His friend Bobby had a birthday party at a train roundhouse where all the kids got to climb on real trains.  We went to cousin Johnny's birthday too. 

* Click to enlarge *

He just doesn't fit in the baby swing anymore

Mint flavored paint.

Camouflage: Find the preggy

First night in the big boy room

He went to sleep quickly

Christian thinks he has a baby in his tummy too. Notice alligator tail sticking out

CJ and Jakob chillin' during the big game.

In the Dan Patch Railline locomotive

We're watching trains

This is a snowplow for railroad tracks

The cousin's at Johnny's 2nd birthday

1/2 second away from a face plant.

Passed out in the bean bag chair

He likes the miners headlamp

Waiting for Baby 5/5/05


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